Serving Morris County For Over 40 Years
Cambridge Block , Water fall
Cambridge Block , Water fall
Lawn Sprinklers
Let us install and a new sprinkler system for your lawn or garden!
We are Fully licensed by the state of New Jersey #0017528
Whether you have a new home or an established landscape, the key to a beautiful lawn is proper Irrigation!
Here Are a few other services we offer !
Spring Turn-on Service
When you engage us to open up your Sprinklers in the Spring, we do more than just turn the water on.
Our Spring Turn-On Service includes a check-up of your entire system.
During the Spring Turn-on service we:
Adjust heads so they don't water the road or shoot too high in the air
Check the coverage of the lawn and beds
Replace damaged or broken heads
Run the system from the control box to make sure everything works
Ensure heads are below the cutting blades of lawn mowers
Change the timer ONLY if you ask us to do so
Because we do check your control box, we need to have you home so we must contact you to make an appointment. If you'd rather not be home, you may just turn the water on and we can usually adjust the system from outside.
Mid-Season Service
Like the Spring Turn-On Service, the Mid-Season Service gives your entire system a fresh start. We check the entire system, including the control box settings and the condition of the lawn. If your irrigation system needs some fine tuning now that the weather is hot, please give us a heads-up. If not, we will call you to set up an appointment time that is convenient.
Back-Flow Test
Steve's is one of the few irrigation service providers in the area that is able to provide NJ State Backflow
Test results.
The New Jersey Safe Drinking Water Act, N.J.A.C. 7:10, requires that every irrigation system with a cross connection to the Public Water Supply be protected with an approved backflow device. Additionally, N.J.A.C. 10.5.6 requires that each backflow device in residential service must be tested at least once annually to ensure that it is functioning properly. Steve's Landscaping & Irrigation is Certified to test these devices,holding Backflow Prevention Device Inspector Certificate #7245, issued by the New England Water Works Association, a certifying agency approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:10-10.8.
Sprinkler Winterization
We generally winterize our sprinkler systems beginning late September through Thanksgiving. However, the weather crucially impacts this service!! If there is water in your sprinkler system, it MUST be winterized or the system will freeze and break!
Most Important ~ The water to the sprinkler system has to be turned off inside the house before you call us!
The best way to schedule these services is via email to
The next best way is to call 973-500-4200